Thursday, September 28, 2006


Because of the larger hosting capabilities of web servers and the expanded capacity of web software, I've decided to consolodate my six website servers to three. With that, I am reengineering my on-line community into a more progressive on-line magazine called Making this move has given me a new perspective. I didn't realize I had gotten so used to doing things with my old compiled website. Recreating documents for a sharp, crisp, engaging publication style that I want required more detailed editing than I'd imagined. For instance, I thought I could pretty much cut and paste most of the documents from my old website to my new one. However, I've had to do considerable cropping of stories to meet the look and feel of this new venue. My old website was innundated with hundreds of documents and photos. I decided that the new site should be quick in and out - short stories and lots of photos. There is no shortcut to the time needed to edit all of that work, I have - and you will to take time to refresh and revisit your work with fresh eyes. The upside with my old website turned out to be a design system I developed by creating my own templates which allowed me to copy and paste much of the website frame. I've found that using tables within tables instead of staid templates really works because tables are flexible and can easily be reformatted. If you've gotten used to outsourced predesigned templates for most of your work, you'll find that you won't have as much ease of adaptability when it comes to taking your web frame and copying it into a new website artchitecture. It's worth learning to use web design software to develop your own system so that you always have control and adaptability as your site grows. For more information on web servers, visit Paula Robinson at


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